Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Little Red Egg and other Yarn Egg Friends

Eden & Eliot Crochet Yarn Eggs
I picked up my crochet hook again recently after a spell of almost a year.   After my son, Eliot, was born last April, I took to learning how to crochet because of many a late night spent nursing him.  The doctor had us put him on a frequent feeding schedule because of reflux, so I figured it would be less painful for me to stay awake between feeds rather than sleep for 45 minutes at a stretch. 

I made a bushel full of amirugumi toys and soon developed my own patterns.  When he turned a month old, I made the first Happy Little Red Egg.

Yesterday, Eliot turned one year old!  Happy, happy, birthday to my dear boy.

So here are a few other companions to the first Little Red Egg to join in the celebration.  I made Happy Little Pirate Egg, Chef Egg, and Cowboy Egg  - all wonderful characters with alot of personality.

With Easter is just round the corner, I thought it would be fun to have plenty of yarn eggs to hunt down instead of the usual candy variety.  They are easy to make and I put the patterns in my little etsy shop.  My sweet husband suggested I make enough eggs to fill a bed so our kids can jump into a a giant nest full of eggs.  Awesome idea but last I checked, he doesn't crochet, so nope I don't think its going to happen any time soon.

But I think if I knit a few every year, my children will have a basketful of characters by the time they're all grown up.  I can tag them by the year so they can look back and see when each little egg was made.  Now that, I can do.  Happy, happy!

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